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  • Why can I only access the audiobook via this website?
    To protect the content of audiobooks, the files must be stored in a secure location. If you purchase via an online retailer such as Audible or Apple Books you have to go to the book within their apps. By purchasing directly from you must navigate to the protected page within her site. This page can be accessed here where you will be asked to enter the user name and password that you chose in the purchase process.
  • Why do I have to become a site member at purchase to be able to listen to the audiobook?
    The only way that the files for Kelly's audiobook can be secured is to host them on a secure page that can only be accessed by those that purchase from this website. We have to create a member's area in order to have controlled access.
  • How do I find the audiobook page?
    Once purchased, you will receive a receipt and then a follow-up email that has the page link. The page can be accessed anytime here. If you are currently logged in, then the link will take you directly to the page. You must be logged in to your account to have access. If you are not logged in you will be taken to a login page which once you enter your username and password will take you to the audiobook page.
  • How can I login to
    There are two options to login to the site: Option 1 - There is a login window located in the upper right corner of the site menu where you can enter your username. If you are already logged in, you will see your name here instead of "login" Once logged in, you will still need to navigate to the member's only audiobook page to listen here. Option 2 - Bookmark the member's only audiobook page and then return to login. Once logged in, this will take you directly to the page to listen. Again, this page can be accessed here.
  • How can I logout of
    To logout, just click the Logout option on the dropdown menu below your name in the menu bar:
  • How can I reset my password?
    Go to the login section in the top menu: You will be directed to the Login page. Click "forgot password" You will be directed to the Create New Password page. Enter the email address you used when purchasing the audiobook and hit "Create Password" You will then receive an email at the address entered, which will allow you to set a new password for the site.
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